Kentucky falls!
This weekend I went on a trip with the Outdoor program again. This time to some waterfalls not far from Eugene. It was really beatiful, and we went on a hike through the forest to get there. Met some nice people on the trip too, so that was fun! There are so many amazing things to see around here, which is great!
Also went to Kristina's place for a party, and her boyfriend, who's here visiting, had brought Djungelvrål! Så gott! Really miss Swedish candy sometimes, especially liquorice hehe! And it was so fun seeing people's faces when they tried it haha, most of them didn't like it that much, and they thought it would be sugar so they were quite surprised:)
Yesterday me and some of the other Swedes went to see Michael Jackson, immortal world tour, by Cirque du Soleil. Really cool and awesome!! Unfortunately it was strictly forbidden to take pictures, think they would have thrown me out if I had tried :P.
Soon I'm choosing classes for next term. Don't know what I'm going to take yet, but definitely some kind of sport except for normal classes, like rock climbing and running I think. So cool that we can take those as classes:)
Also went to Kristina's place for a party, and her boyfriend, who's here visiting, had brought Djungelvrål! Så gott! Really miss Swedish candy sometimes, especially liquorice hehe! And it was so fun seeing people's faces when they tried it haha, most of them didn't like it that much, and they thought it would be sugar so they were quite surprised:)
Yesterday me and some of the other Swedes went to see Michael Jackson, immortal world tour, by Cirque du Soleil. Really cool and awesome!! Unfortunately it was strictly forbidden to take pictures, think they would have thrown me out if I had tried :P.
Soon I'm choosing classes for next term. Don't know what I'm going to take yet, but definitely some kind of sport except for normal classes, like rock climbing and running I think. So cool that we can take those as classes:)
My awesome roommates!
Och typ världens godaste hamburgare!
Our waitress Jenna, Ariston, Leah, and me
Igår var det halloween. Var på fest i fredags dock, superkul! De flesta hade väldigt bra utklädnader:) Jag hittade min samma dag så det blev ett snabbt beslut. Hittade en lila peruk som jag ville ha och då fick det bli så att jag var från framtiden typ. Blev helt ok:) Ganska roligt igår också för det var rätt många som gick till skolan utklädda.
Hot Springs!
Åkte till ett ställe där man kunde bada i varma källor ca 1 1/2h från Eugene. Superhärligt! Var väldigt fin utsikt på vägen dit också:). Överhuvudtaget väldigt vackert i Oregon. Har haft mina första tentor här. Eller midterms som de kallas. Tror att de gick ok, men jag hade inte riktigt pluggat så mycket eftersom det blev utflykt till kusten och källorna under helgen. Men jag hoppas det gick bra ändå:). Ganska annorlunda mot test i Uppsala dock, vi satt i den vanliga föreläsningssalen brevid varandra, så inte alls lika strikt. Hade bara en och en halv timme på oss också att göra testet så det var lite stressigt.
Oregon Coast!
Went to the coast for some sightseeing! Really beautiful and we saw some sea lions too! :)
Jag, Emma, Anika, Mattias och Iida
Sea Lions (They were in a cage but it was open so they could leave when they wanted, don't know why they were there though)
Funny restaurant with umbrellas in the ceiling.
Saltwater Taffy
Go Ducks!
Yesterday we went to the football game between Oregon and California(college football). Oregon was awesome and we won the game! It was really fun watching it! Everyone's cheering and the atmosphere was amazing!
Crater Lake!
Went to Crater Lake with Iida, Emma(Two finnish girls) and Emma's host family. It's a lake created by volcanoes, and it was so beautiful! On the way we also stopped by an amazing waterfall!
Today I had my first class! It was Biological Anthropology, and it seems really interesting:) It's about human evolution and stuff like that. Tomorrow I'll have my two other classes so I hope they will be good too. On Saturday we went whitewater rafting on the McKenzie River. It was so much fun! They have an Outdoor Program at the University that arrange different trips and hikes like that, so I hope to go on many more:)
Yesterday we went to Ikea and I bought some stuff for my room:) And of course we ate Swedish meatballs! So here are some pictures of my new house and room!
Orientation,football and moving into my new house!
Now we have had orientation for a few days. We have gotten a lot of information about everything and done some fun things! Today we had a picnic for all international students:) Have met a lot of nice people from many different parts of the world, so that's great! Tomorrow we get to sign up for classes so I'm looking forward to that.
Yesterday we went tailgating, which means that you have your car/truck outside of the football stadium and people eat and drink before watching the game. Almost everbody in Eugene either go to the game or do this outside. So football here is a really big thing:) We didn't have tickets so it was fun doing this instead. Next time I want to get tickets though!
Tonight I'm moving into my new house! So excited! I will miss living here but it will be nice to have a place to call home:)
Beer pong
Three Pools!
We went camping at Three Pools in Oregon from Sunday to Monday. Such a beautiful place! Eating smores(chocolate and marshmallows between two crackers). The traditional American camping snack:) Swimming and laying in the sun :D. On Saturday we went to a market that they have in Eugene every Saturday where they sell food, jewelry etc. Very nice!
Var och kollade på ett annat rum igår som verkade bra! Det förra jag tittade på var ett väldigt fint hus men det låg så långt bort tyvärr. Det här ligger närmre campus och de som bodde där var jättetrevliga! Två killar och en tjej, en av killarna ska flytta ut och då kan jag kanske få hans rum. Inte så stort hus men det var fint och mysigt inuti. Var och tittade på rummet på eftermiddagen och sen bjöd de in oss att vara med på "game night!"hehe. Så på kvällen gick vi dit och spelade lite spel med dem och några andra av deras kompisar. De hade typ hittat på en egen version av pictionary som var rolig, ska visa den när jag kommer hem:) Det var jättekul och alla verkar väldigt sjyssta:) Så jag hoppas på att jag kan bo där. De skulle bestämma sig för hur det blir om några dagar. Träffade också en tjej som är kompis med dem som Kickan bor med, hon var också jättesnäll och rolig! Hon jobbar på ett café typ så vi tänkte gå förbi där idag och säga hej. Ska också kolla runt lite mer på stan och leta efter lite grejer vi behöver.
![En flod som rinner genom staden. Väldigt vackert där:)](
En flod som rinner genom staden. Väldigt vackert!
The University!
Idag tog vi en tur till universitetet! Hur fint som helst! Precis som man tänkt sig att det ska vara, fast ännu bättre. Jättestort område med massa fina byggnader och idrottsanläggningen var helt enorm. Mycket gult och grönt(skolans färger) och till och med små ankspår! (Lagen som spelar för universitetet kallas ducks:)) Längtar tills skolan börjar!
Framme i Eugene!
Nu har jag fixat en blogg så att alla kan ha koll på vad jag gör :)
De första dagarna här har varit bra. Vi har kollat runt lite i stan och hittat ett bra shoppingställe:)
Tror att jag kanske har hittat någonstans att bo också! Mer om det när jag vet om det blir så.
Imorn tänkte vi kolla in campus!!